At least, at LEAST include the cards and command terminals for the units in their kits. The newer Nemesis Warbringer comes with, at least a dinky version of its Terminal and cards, its lower quality than the ones that GW sells separately and with the starter, but you can play it right out of the box and it has a solid load out. I also want to take this moment to call out the AT Questoris Knights kit (actually it might be all of the knight kits for AT) and the Warhound and Reaver AT kits, because none of those come with their Command Terminals or Weapon Cards either. So at bare minimum, to field a Warlord Titan, it’s 10$ less than a Questoris Knight for 40k, which is larger, and comes with WAY more in the box. While, yes, you do need the codex and BRB to field it, you also need the rules set (at minimum) to field your warlord, so I call it a wash, since you’ll likely also need one or more Titanicus expansion books. To compare with another Citadel Kit: a questoris Knight for 50k is 157$, is about 33% larger than a Titanicus Warlord, includes all its weapon options (6 arm weapons, 2/3 top mounted weapons, and 3 chassis weapons). (And the more popular of the two, in my experience) apoc launchers, Gatling blaster (24$) plasma cannon (42$) for a total of 213.50$!!! Apoc missiles, volcano cannon, and quake cannon (24$) for a total of 171.50$, after cards. And, for context, the two most popular load outs (in my experience) are 1.

Or you can go to Forge World and pay 24$ per arm weapon or 31$ per shoulder weapon set. So, you can get a 42$ kit that has different shoulder weapons, a fist, and two plasma cannons. It begs for another weapon, any other weapon, to replace at least one of the volcano cannons.
#Awaken realms warlord titan plus
But double Volcano Cannons are such a bad load out for a number of reasons, two weapons that are each meant to do the same thing, where one is already borderline overkill, and both drain the reactor, plus they only get 1 shot each. Apocalypse missile launchers are honestly fine, and I only rarely want to run anything else (and I’ve rarely seen anyone else want to), so GW gets a pass on that one. So it actually costs 147.50$ USD for your warlord Titan, at BARE MINIMUM. Now: just to get it on the table, just to play a game with your warlord Titan, that you already spent 110$ on, you need to buy a packet of Titan Command terminals (25$ USD), and the weapon cards (12.50) because those rules are not printed anywhere else. It includes two Volcano Cannons, and a pair of Apocalypse missile launchers, and a transfer sheet. The sculpt itself is great, but there’s so little in the box, at such a high price point, and it’s just ridiculous. The Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titan kit, is, hands down, one of the worst, and most consumer unfriendly kits GW has ever made. Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and heresy.All things 40k, the classic grimdark game set in the 41st Millennium.Not specifically for Warhammer, but a great source of knowledge and inspiration for your hobby aspirations!.A place to discuss Roleplaying in the Old World! Share your adventures, characters, homebrews, podcasts, and more.Home for the 40k RPG systems like Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and more.The best of official and fan created art for the Warhammer universes.A place to discuss the rich story and setting of the 41st Millennium.Your source for Shadespire and future Underworlds releases, the exciting game of small band battles and deck-building!.All things Kill Team, focusing on the covert ops and team-based skirmish combat of the 41st Millennium.A subreddit dedicated to the exploration of competitive play, list building and tactics in Warhammer 40k and AoS.All things AoS, the successor to Warhammer Fantasy.Focusing on the popular Forgeworld Horus Heresy game.

A center for all things Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Lord of the Rings, Specialist Games and more! All facets of the hobby are welcome!.Check out one of our awesome sibling subreddits they've got one for everything! /r/Warhammer Looking for more of a certain thing? We've got you covered. Assign your post flair to the relevant game system or content (flairs incoming - ChicagoCowboy).Don’t derail threads with off-topic discussion or abusive behavior.Moderate your self-promotion along the 9:1 ratio.Posts must be related to Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy or related Products.Check out the directory below for even more awesome Warhammer Communities. Epic Battles Between Gigantic Robots - A subreddit for Games Workshop's game of 8mm scale Titan combat in the 31st millennium.